London Times

London Times

Monday, October 4, 2010

A little catch up

A quick little update since I haven't written in awhile, but what can I say I'm in London and busy! We went to Canterbury on Friday and it was a long haul but worth it. The city is busy with people and shops everywhere even in the crummy rain which we experienced on Friday. We toured the town and the gorgeous Cathedral - I'll get pictures up eventually! The architecture itself is amazing and then when you learn the history that accompanies it, you have even a greater appreciation.

Unfortunately this weekend was full of studying and not much fun, but I did fit in time for a sushi bar and Hamlet at the National Theater. The sushi bar was great, the food just kept going by on a conveyor belt and you took what you wanted and paid at the end, what an innovative idea, the food just keeps moving around in front of you and you can take as much as you like! Then it was off to Hamlet, which is a Shakespeare play that I enjoy, however it was a bit long for my attention span that night. Nevertheless a good experience.

Pictures will come after my test!

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